Tuesday, December 4, 2018

College dropout named next FL House education chair - YouTube

College dropout named next FL House education chair - YouTube

College dropout named next FL House education chair

This week incoming Florida House Speaker Jose Oliva announced that Mount Dora Tea Party darling Jennifer Sullivan will the new chair of the House Education Committee. Sullivan, who was home-schooled, has zero experience as an educator, has never studied or written about education policy. And about those college credits she claimed to have earned when she was first elected in 2014? Not true, says the evangelical Christian college in question.
Oliva called Sullivan “a leader of the utmost integrity and fairness,” who, of course, continues lying about her own education, because she knows that’s essential to being an education leader.
Apparently, she apparently can’t even answer questions from the press on her own. The speaker’s communications director claims Sullivan’s “goals are to create a system that is student centered by putting what’s best for those same students first. That starts by giving parents choice in the education of their children.”
Translation: she plans on expanding the policy that hands over public assets to greedy corporations with little to no accountability and — while they’re at it — crushing the teachers unions.
“Parents always have had the choice of homeschooling or enrolling their children in any private school they desire — they still do. No one is taking it away. The issue is whether taxpayers should ante up for what usually is religious education.”
Sullivan says “she hopes to expand funding for students who want to go to charter and voucher schools,” which means cutting even more funding to the schools the most vulnerable children attend, “reward the best teachers with better pay,” which means limiting teacher pay to bonuses and other gimmicks that clearly are not working to recruit or retain the most qualified teachers, “and look for ways to reduce administrative overhead in local districts.” Keep in mind, administrative costs in Florida school districts average around six percent.
None of these talking points is new. This is exactly the same agenda that has left Florida 45th nationally in per pupil spending, dead last in percentage of students funded at the state average, and put the state at the epicenter of the movement dismantling public education, brick by brick.
And by the sound of it, they’ve only just begun.

enrique baloyra

College dropout named next FL House education chair - YouTube