Friday, July 21, 2017

Teachers union leader bashes Betsy DeVos — and DeVos strikes back - The Washington Post

Teachers union leader bashes Betsy DeVos — and DeVos strikes back - The Washington Post:

Teachers union leader bashes Betsy DeVos — and DeVos strikes back 

There’s no more pretending to play nice between Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten.
In April, the two visited a traditional public school in Ohio together in what was a short-lived experiment in “getting to know you,” and they were supposed to visit a charter school together, too. But on Thursday, Weingarten gave a blistering speech at her union’s convention in Washington, calling DeVos an “ideologue who wants to destabilize and privatize the public schools that millions of Americans value and rely upon.”
A few hours later, DeVos went after the teachers unions — and the AFT, in particular — in a speech she gave in Denver to the American Legislative Executive Council, a powerful conservative organization of lobbyists and state legislators.
DeVos accused the unions of being  “defenders of the status quo” who care only about “school systems” and not about individual children. She mentioned — and had displayed — an AFT tweet criticizing her for saying that public money should be invested in individual students and arguing instead that “we should invest in a system of great public schools for all kids.”Teachers union leader bashes Betsy DeVos — and DeVos strikes back - The Washington Post: