Tuesday, July 11, 2017

School Nutrition Programs Eligibility - School Nutrition (CA Dept of Education)

School Nutrition Programs Eligibility - School Nutrition (CA Dept of Education):

School Nutrition Programs Eligibility

Each school year, local educational agencies (LEA) must determine and certify a student’s eligibility to qualify for free and reduced-price (F/RP) meals or free milk benefits.

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This Web page contains School Nutrition Programs (SNP) eligibility information and policies for LEAs that participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Afterschool Meal Supplements (Snack) under the NSLP, Special Milk Program (SMP), and State Meal Program.
LEAs must provide households with an application that allows them to apply for F/RP meals or free milk for all children in the household and cannot require the household to submit an application for each student within the same LEA. Also, LEAs cannot require a household to submit an application for F/RP meals or free milk if they choose to decline to participate in the program. LEAs are required to include the application and instructions with the letter to household and must distribute these materials near the beginning of each school year.
The SNP prototype eligibility materials comply with federal and state requirements that are monitored by the California Department of Education (CDE) during an SNP Administrative Review. There is no requirement to use the SNP eligibility materials, but LEAs should validate that their eligibility materials are in compliance with federal requirements from the USDA Eligibility Manual for School Meals; Title 7, Code of Federal Regulations (7 CFR), Part 245; and state requirements from California Education Code (EC) Section 49557.

 School Nutrition Programs Eligibility - School Nutrition (CA Dept of Education):