Sunday, July 16, 2017

One Way Teachers Can Fight Exhaustion Before It Starts - Teacher Habits

One Way Teachers Can Fight Exhaustion Before It Starts - Teacher Habits:

One Way Teachers Can Fight Exhaustion Before It Starts


One of the best things about being a teacher is we get to start anew each fall. With the school year around the corner, exhaustion is probably far from your mind. After a restorative summer, you are likely itching to get started. You have new ideas you picked up at conferences, new strategies for dealing with behavior you can’t wait to try, new technology in your classroom, new colleagues or principals, and what feels like a new lease on your career. The stress and fatigue you felt at the end of last year has drifted away like a dandelion fluff on the summer breeze.
So I hope you’ll forgive me for raining on your vacation and dousing your enthusiasm.
The stress and exhaustion will be coming back unless you do something different this year.
There are many steps you can take, all of which I outline in my forthcoming book, Exhausted, but there is one you must absolutely do if you hope to have more energy at the end of your work days. And you must start before students show up on the first day of school. What is it?
Plan and Perfect As Many Procedures As Possible
Every teacher knows the importance of teaching, modeling, and practicing classroom routines until students have them down. Teachers who want to avoid student confusion and the resultant One Way Teachers Can Fight Exhaustion Before It Starts - Teacher Habits: