Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Read James Comey's prepared testimony for Senate Intel

Read James Comey's prepared testimony for Senate Intel:

'I need loyalty, I expect loyalty' — read James Comey’s explosive statement about Donald Trump

Image result for Comey’s explosive statement about Donald Trump

Former FBI Director James Comey is scheduled to testify before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on Thursday.
His opening remarks were published on Wednesday.
In his statement, Comey recounts a January 27 dinner with President Donald Trump, who said "I need loyalty, I expect loyalty."
Comey said, "I didn't move, speak, or change my facial expression in any way during the awkward silence that followed. We simply looked at each other in silence."
While the conversation moved on, Comey said that Trump returned to the topic later in the evening. The FBI director said he tried to explain the importance of the Department of Justice's independence from the White House.
"Throughout history, some Presidents have decided that because 'problems' come from Justice, they should try to hold the Department close. But blurring those boundaries ultimately makes the problems worse by undermining public trust in the institutions and their work," Comey said in his prepared remarks.
Last month, Trump terminated Comey. The president said in a letter addressed to the fired FBI director, "It is essential that we find new leadership for the FBI that restores public trust and confidence in its vital law enforcement mission."
Earlier Wednesday, Trump announced that he had picked Christopher A. Wray to succeed Comey as FBI director.
Read Comey's full statement below:

This is breaking news. Please check back for updatesRead James Comey's prepared testimony for Senate Intel: