Thursday, June 15, 2017

Money for Nothin’ – Live Long and Prosper

Money for Nothin’ – Live Long and Prosper:

Money for Nothin’

For the past two decades Bill Gates and the Gates Foundation have been dropping millions of dollars into education schemes the billionaire was sure would transform America’s schools. Gates tried small schools, teacher incentives, and the Common Core to try to influence the achievement of public schools – all to no avail. (Further reading: Anthony Cody’s, The Educator and the Oligarch: A Teacher Challenges the Gates Foundation)
The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation has invested millions of dollars into training managers to run school systems like businesses. They’ve put money into large scale teacher merit-pay experiments in school districts. They’ve supported legislation, including the so-called “Parent Trigger” which would allow a majority of a schools current parents to transfer a community owned public school to a for-profit charter company.
The Walton Family Foundation, run by America’s wealthiest family, has invested millions of dollars in the privatization of public education. They have supported the creation and expansion of voucher programs in Indiana and other states.
The attempts to improve America’s education by billionaires, none of whom have any training in education, have several things in common.
First, none of the schemes have been successful enough, or been replicable on a large enough scale to improve the country’s public education system.
Second, the money used to fund the projects hasn’t been sustainable. Some programs have Money for Nothin’ – Live Long and Prosper:
 Image result for big education ape Gates and the Gates Foundation