Sunday, June 18, 2017

Here’s an Idea: Guarantee Every Child an Excellent Education | gadflyonthewallblog

Here’s an Idea: Guarantee Every Child an Excellent Education | gadflyonthewallblog:

Here’s an Idea: Guarantee Every Child an Excellent Education

Let’s get one thing straight: there are plenty of things wrong with America’s school system. But they almost all stem from one major error.
We don’t guarantee every child an excellent education.
Instead, we strive to guarantee every child THE CHANCE at an excellent education. In other words, we’ll provide a bunch of different options that parents and children can choose from – public schools, charter schools, cyber schools, voucher schools, etc.
Some of these options will be great. Some will be terrible. It’s up to the consumer (i.e. parents and children) to decide which one to bet on.
In many places this results in children bouncing from school-to-school. One school is woefully deficient, they enroll in another one. One school closes suddenly, they start over again at another.
It’s terribly inefficient and does very little good for most children.
But that’s because it’s not designed with them in mind. It does not put the child first. It puts the education provider first.
It is a distinctly privatized system. As such, the most important element in this system is the corporation, business, administrator or entrepreneurial entity that provides an education.
We guarantee the businessperson a potential client. We guarantee the investor a market. We guarantee the hedge fund manager a path to increased equity. We Here’s an Idea: Guarantee Every Child an Excellent Education | gadflyonthewallblog: