Thursday, June 22, 2017

Gender-Inclusive, Multicultural BadAss Teaching on the June BUS Ride – Education Town Hall Forum

Gender-Inclusive, Multicultural BadAss Teaching on the June BUS Ride – Education Town Hall Forum:

Gender-Inclusive, Multicultural BadAss Teaching on the June BUS Ride

Coming up the Education Town Hall’s monthly BUS program — driven by BadAss Teachers, United Opt Out, and Save Our Schools — the 4th Annual Back to School with BATs Conference, scheduled for Seattle, WA, July 22-23. Listen live via TuneIn, June 22, 11 a.m. to noon Eastern.
First segment: BATs General Manager Marla Kilfoyle and Lisa Keating, founder of My Purple Umbrella, a community organization that advocates for LGBTQ youth.
Second segment, bottom of the hour: Dawn Bennet, co-founder of Multicultural Education Rights Alliance (McERA), and professor and organizer Denisha Jones, who will give a preview of her keynote.
The Education Town Hall with Thomas Byrd
broadcasts from Historic Anacostia
in Washington, DC, on We Act Radio,
Thursdays at 11:00 a.m. Eastern
Listen live via TuneIn.
Shows are archived for convenient listening shortly after broadcast.
After years of weekly broadcasts, the program now focuses one show each month on local issues and one on “the BUS,” organized by BadAss TeachersUnited Opt Out, and SOS March.