Wednesday, June 14, 2017

21st Century Reforms Need to Look Back in Time | DCGEducator: Doing The Right Thing

21st Century Reforms Need to Look Back in Time | DCGEducator: Doing The Right Thing:

21st Century Reforms Need to Look Back in Time

Image result for 21st century education

As the demands to “change” education to “fit the 21st century” paradigm swirl about us, I want to ask you to do something for me. I want you to close your eyes and think back to your third grade class.
For all of the “new”, innovative “21st century education” ideas being tossed around, what I see being proposed doesn’t seem to be adding anything to the mix. A lot of money is being spent, a lot of books and materials are being created, but I’m having a hard time seeing any benefit.
When I think back to my third grade class, I remember sitting in rows and quietly walking in pairs. I remember learning the times table. I remember being given, (and doing) homework in every subject, reading books in class and carrying them back and forth from school to home, and I remember learning to spell words correctly.
I have two degrees and 40 years of teaching experience on my ledger and I live in the 21st century. Since people frequently engage my services to edit their work, teach writing and speaking techniques, prepare for the S.A.T., etc., I’d have to argue that many, if not most of the non-21st century techniques and skills I possess work very well, in the 21st century!
My 1960’s -70’s education taught me discipline. It taught me responsibility. I was given a book for each subject and it was my responsibility to cover it, bring it to school and home, to come prepared with paper, a pen and a pencil, prepared to take notes and ask questions when I didn’t understand.
It taught me that I didn’t have to like you to learn from you, and that sometimes there actually are people who know more than you.
It taught me that for all of the changes the “experts” purport are so vital and 21st Century Reforms Need to Look Back in Time | DCGEducator: Doing The Right Thing: