On Privitization of Public Schools
Unfortunately the general public is often confused by the misleading terms that privatizers use to mask their agenda. Terms like "choice", "portability" and Empowerment Scholarship Accounts are an attempt to make religious school vouchers and other unpopular policies acceptable.The thirteen fact sheets cover the two main issues to privatization - charter schools and vouchers.
In response, The Network for Public Education has prepared a toolkit called School Privatization Explained. Each one page fact sheet is designed to correct the misinformation that De Vos and others have used to push school privatization. From charter myths to ESAs, we pull off the masks.
You will find our 13 facts sheets here and an interactive map here that will let you see where your state lies on the road to school privatization.
There's also a "report card" for each state via an interactive map. Washington State received a "C".
Here's a great article from The Conversation blog about vouchers (and "neo-vouchers").
Let your state legislators know about this useful information.Seattle Schools Community Forum: On Privitization of Public Schools: