Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Badass Teachers Association: How Do We Continue to Counteract Hate and Violence? by Liz Caravaca

Badass Teachers Association: How Do We Continue to Counteract Hate and Violence? by Liz Caravaca:

How Do We Continue to Counteract Hate and Violence? 

by Liz Caravaca

We are sad and outraged and ever more afraid for our children, youth, and families of color in light of the vicious murders of Ricky Best and Taliesin Myrddin Namkai-Meche and the brutal stabbing of survivor Micah Fletcher.

These three people risked their lives - and two of them died- defending youth from a person (a known white supremacist) threatening them with anti-Muslim hatred.
What would have happened to these youth if these three people didn't stand between them and this racist, violent hater?

How do we continue to counteract hate and violence?
How will we continue to (try and) protect children and youth of color? How will we actually and successfully protect them?
What do parents say to their children? What do teachers say to their students? How does our own race impact what we say and how we say it in these conversations?

What are we DOING about it?

When we say to stand up for what's right, to speak out against injustice - and - we tell our children and youth to be Badass Teachers Association: How Do We Continue to Counteract Hate and Violence? by Liz Caravaca: