Wednesday, May 31, 2017

10 Best Teacher T-shirts - Teacher Habits

10 Best Teacher T-shirts - Teacher Habits:

10 Best Teacher T-shirts

Why go out in public wearing boring adult clothes when you can wear something that says you’re a proud teacher with an average sense of humor? Pair the shirts below with a reading conference tote bag, an ID badge on a lanyard, and these socks, and you’ll be the teacherest of all teachers.

Lets Eat Kids. Let’s Eat Kids. Punctuation Saves Lives.

A reminder that it’s the little things in life, like commas, that can make a big difference. Perfect for fans of Eats, Shoots & Leaves and English teachers everywhere.

I Got 99 Problems & You’re Going to Show Your Work on All of Them

It’s a joke. You should not be assigning 99 problems.

World’s Okayest Teacher

Most of us are in the fat part of the bell curve. That’s what makes it a bell curve. Might as well admit it.

Straight Outta Pencils

 10 Best Teacher T-shirts - Teacher Habits: