Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Question: Who Are the ESSA “Peer Reviewers” Selected to Review State Plans? | deutsch29

Question: Who Are the ESSA “Peer Reviewers” Selected to Review State Plans? | deutsch29:

Question: Who Are the ESSA “Peer Reviewers” Selected to Review State Plans?

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According to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), state plans are to be reviewed by a group of individuals holding specific roles– and the reviewers are to be identified by name.
From the ESSA document (pages 20-21):
(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall—
(i) establish a peer-review process to assist in the review of State plans;
(ii) establish multidisciplinary peer-review teams and appoint members of such teams—
(I) who are representative of—
(aa) parents, teachers, principals, other school leaders, specialized instructional support personnel, State educational agencies, local educational agencies, and the community (including the business community); and
(bb) researchers who are familiar with—
(AA) the implementation of academic standards, assessments, or accountability systems; and
(BB) how to meet the needs of disadvantaged students, children with disabilities, and English learners, the needs of low-performing schools, and other educational needs of students;
(II) that include, to the extent practicable, majority representation of individuals who, in the most recent 2 years, have had practical experience in the classroom, school administration, or State or local government (such as direct employees of a school, local educational agency, or State educational agency); and
(III) who represent a regionally diverse cross-section of States;
(iii) make available to the public, including by such means as posting to the Department’s website, the list of peer reviewers who have reviewed State plans under this section;
(iv) ensure that the peer-review teams consist of varied individuals 
Question: Who Are the ESSA “Peer Reviewers” Selected to Review State Plans? | deutsch29: