Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sunday stuff. | Fred Klonsky

Sunday stuff. | Fred Klonsky:

Sunday stuff.


Attorney Roy Cohn, right, with Sen. Joseph McCarthy during the Army hearings in 1954. Later, Cohn returned to New York and met Donald Trump.
Illinois needs a good school funding formula, not just a new one (“Stop talking and fix the state school funding formula,” Feb. 24). The Rauner commission recommended a supposedly evidence-based system based on 27 elements that would improve Illinois schools.
Some of the 27 were based on successful efforts in other schools, but some were not. And to get new state funds, local school districts would have to do none of the 27.
As someone has said, it is like saying if you do X, you get Y, but you do not have to do X.
Special education funding, for example, needs to be related to the need for special education, not based on a fixed number of general education students. The need for special education varies widely among Illinois school districts based on concentrated poverty, parental drug use, environmental factors including lead poisoning, premature births, stress in daily living, the family/guardian situation, etc.
There is no magic school funding formula, but there are good ones and bad ones.
Jacksonville, Ill.
Remember a few days ago when those idiots were on tv following Trump's read speech talking abt how "presidential" he was? SHUT UP FOREVER…
It was a scalding message, painted on a university campus sidewalk this week: “Welcome to the Trump plantation. Overseer: Wayne A. I. Frederick.”

What made the message more jarring still was that Dr. Frederick is the black Sunday stuff. | Fred Klonsky: