NEWSFLASH: Betsy DeVos Opens Mouth. Nonsense Falls Out
Betsy DeVos opened her mouth-hole today and a load of crap fell out.
And somehow that’s news!
Our federal Education Secretary said Wednesday, “I’m not sure how [U.S. public schools] could get a lot worse on a nationwide basis than they are today.”
Let’s add that to the list of things she’s already admitted she’s not sure of:
-Whether charter and voucher schools should be held to the same standards as traditional public schools.
-Whether guns belong on school campuses in reach of children.
-Whether the Department of Education should protect students with special needs.
-Whether the Individuals With Disabilities Act is a federal law (Spoiler Alert: It IS!).
-Oh! And what the heck’s the difference between proficiency and growth?
This woman is an idiot. Worse – she’s a rich idiot.
She only holds this office because she bought off the entire Republican Party and she still needed a historic tie breaking vote by the vice-president to get confirmed!
Why are we publishing a thing she says as anything other than standup comedy?
She knows nothing about public schools. She never went to them as a student. She NEWSFLASH: Betsy DeVos Opens Mouth. Nonsense Falls Out | gadflyonthewallblog: