Saturday, February 4, 2017

Politico: Opposition to DeVos “Snowballs into an Avalanche” | Diane Ravitch's blog

Politico: Opposition to DeVos “Snowballs into an Avalanche” | Diane Ravitch's blog:

Politico: Opposition to DeVos “Snowballs into an Avalanche”

Image result for a bear in snow animated gif

Politico reports that the offices of Republican Senators are overwhelmed with letters, emails, and faxes opposing Betsy DeVos, according to Politico. She is the most controversial and unpopular cabinet choice of Trump, and Senators have been overwhelmed by negative comments. Most of them have gone into hiding. Their phone lines are jammed or off the hook.
The reasons for the avalanche of opposition:
1. She is unqualified, having no experience as a parent, student, teacher, or local board member in a public school, which 85% of American students attend 10% in private schools and 5% in privately owned charter schools).
2. She is a lobbyist for privatization of public schools.
3. As she demonstrated in her Senate hearings, she is ignorant of federal law and policy.
4. She is hostile to public schools.
5. If appointed, she will transfer federal funds from public schools to non-public schools.
6. She uses her vast fortune to buy votes of Republican senators.
Parents care about their children and their schools and communities. They object to a Secretary of Education who doesn’t care about their public schools and will hurt their children and their communities while prattling about “great schools.” Indeeed, they may even be aware of the damage DeVos has already done to the public schools of Michigan.
If no Republican breaks ranks, voters must remember in November: 2018, 2020, and 2022. Actions have consequences.
Why in the world does the GOP stand fast behind a nominee who is so clearly uninformed? Could it be the millions she and her family have given them? As DeVos once said, we do expect something in return for our money. Payback day arrived and she is getting what she paid for.
Trump has nominated many people who were unfitted to the mission of their Department, like Dr. Carson for HUD, Scott Pruitt for EPA. But DeVos! Our public schools are at risk.
It is not the grizzly bears that are alarmed by DeVos. It’s the Mama Bears. They protect their cubs.Politico: Opposition to DeVos “Snowballs into an Avalanche” | Diane Ravitch's blog:
 Defeat DeVos- Call Your Senator Now

Defeat DeVos- Call Your Senator Now

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