Free Market vs. The Poor
That's the underlying message that comes through repeatedly as GOP legislators across the country line up to cut the foundations out from under public education and the ACA.
Sometimes they're pretty transparent about it. Pat Toomey just compared sick people to burned out houses to make the point that it's just unfair to ask insurers to cover them when they are already, I guess, a lost cause. And in Pennsylvania, the chair of the State Senate Education Committee argued in an interview that we should stop wasting time trying to get minority inner-city kids ready for college and just put them in some vocational training.
But how can this be? I thought the free market approach would liberate everyone, provide students and families with the same choices available to the rich and so unjustly denied them in our current system?
That's the pitch we hear over and over-- the free market will liberate students from failing schools (as well as liberate health care and our pension funds).
It's a lie.
The free market (or, at any rate, the free-ish market we've occasionally enjoyed in this country) has CURMUDGUCATION: Free Market vs. The Poor: