Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Betsy DeVos’ Opening Statement at Her Nomination Hearing– and a Question Asked by Bernie Sanders | deutsch29

Betsy DeVos’ Opening Statement at Her Nomination Hearing– and a Question Asked by Bernie Sanders | deutsch29:

Betsy DeVos’ Opening Statement at Her Nomination Hearing– and a Question Asked by Bernie Sanders

Below is the text of US ed sec nominee Betsy DeVos’ opening remarks at her January 17, 2017, hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee.
First, a few observations:
Notice that DeVos cannot help but identify “a mix of publicly-funded and private schools that is today’s public education.”
Private schools are not public schools. But to DeVos, they should be the principal recipients of public funding in the form of vouchers.
DeVos tries to connect to public school by identifying her mother, Elsa Prince, as a public school teacher. However, the Prince-DeVos alma mater, Calvin College, identifies Elsa Prince as “known for” being a “conservative financier.”
DeVos does not note where her mother taught, or for how long. However, given that DeVos identifies private schools as public schools, and given the Prince-DeVos family history is inextricably intertwined with the Reformed Church in America (RCA), it is not likely that Elsa Prince’s history as a “public school teacher” involves being a teacher outside of the RCA.
Betsy DeVos will continue to operate as an activist for the redirecting of public funding to private schools.
Here’s her speech:
Opening Statement of Betsy DeVos Nominee for U.S. Secretary of Education
U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions January 17, 2017
Chairman Alexander, Ranking Member Murray, Senators, thank you for the opportunity to be with you this afternoon.
Thank you, Senators Scott and Lieberman for those kind words. I am humbled by your public service and applaud your lifelong dedication to the success of our nation’s students.
I want to begin by thanking my family for their support: my husband, Dick, my sons, and daughters, and sons-in-law — as well as the rest of my family, Betsy DeVos’ Opening Statement at Her Nomination Hearing– and a Question Asked by Bernie Sanders | deutsch29: