Sunday, January 22, 2017

Betsy DeVos Offers No Guarantee That She Will Enforce Fed Ed Law– Or That She Even Knows the Law | deutsch29

Betsy DeVos Offers No Guarantee That She Will Enforce Fed Ed Law– Or That She Even Knows the Law | deutsch29:

Betsy DeVos Offers No Guarantee That She Will Enforce Fed Ed Law– Or That She Even Knows the Law

On Thursday, January 17, 2017, Michigan billionaire Betsy DeVos had her first job interview– as US secretary of education.
DeVos, who turned 59 on January 08, 2017, has never held a job; however, given the current Republican majority in Congress, that doesn’t really matter; DeVos has a solid history as a Republican Party leader and financial booster.
Plus, she eats and breathes school choice, especially in the form of vouchers– school choice that takes public money from traditional public schools and hands it over to private schools.
President Donald Trump has indicated that he wants to voucherize American public education, and DeVos, though Trump’s second choice for US ed sec, is a perfect fit for the job of destroying the very public education system she is supposed to oversee.
“Portability of funding” is the technical name for such destruction, and Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pension (HELP) Chair, Lamar Alexander, is overjoyed that DeVos is willing to dole out the federal, “portability funding” vouchers to states that will undoubtedly follow the breadcrumbs of federal money for vouchers right into the trap of state-level public ed voucherization.
Thus, it should come as little surprise that DeVos apparently felt no need to prepare Betsy DeVos Offers No Guarantee That She Will Enforce Fed Ed Law– Or That She Even Knows the Law | deutsch29: