Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Betsy DeVos Confirmation Hearing and Special Education

Betsy DeVos Confirmation Hearing and Special Education:

Betsy DeVos Confirmation Hearing and Special Education

I was asked to write about the Betsy DeVos confirmation hearing and special education. So here is a quick rundown.
I was pleasantly surprised at some of the questioning by Democrats. I know education reform is often bi-partisan, but the Dems hit some high notes tonight. I came away with much respect for Sen. Patty Murray.
And Sen. Sanders just has a way doesn’t he? That question, and the ease of which he asked it, about whether Betsy DeVos would be there if she wasn’t a billionaire was priceless. No pun intended.
A great question was about whether the years of underfunding of special education would be addressed. I thought it refreshing. I mean, who asks that anymore?
Actually, I have a cold and don’t remember the Senator who did ask it! I’m sorry. Someone tell me.
I loved that Sen. Murray gave Sen. Hassan her time at the end to drive home the fact that DeVos didn’t know much about students with disabilities.
It was shocking that she didn’t know that IDEA was federal law! That seems like something she could have studied ahead of time. It certainly should give parents pause. She doesn’t seem to see this area as a priority.
Also in light of her support of vouchers, it was troubling that she didn’t seem to understand the question by Sen. Kaine about accountability of all schools which would be serving students with disabilities and addressing the IDEA’s requirements consistently.
I think that was my favorite question and a truly relevant one that taxpayers should care deeply about.
If you are going to spend government funds on any private, parochial or charter school, Betsy DeVos Confirmation Hearing and Special Education: