Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Answer Sheet Valerie Strauss covers Betsy DeVos’s confirmation hearing - The Washington Post

Answer Sheet - The Washington Post:

Answer Sheet Valerie Strauss covers Betsy DeVos’s confirmation hearing 

Six astonishing things Betsy DeVos said — and refused to say — at her confirmation hearing
At her contentious confirmation hearing as Donald Trump’s nominee to be education secretary on Tuesday, Betsy DeVos was asked a question by Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) about an important education debate involving how student progress should be measured. The query essentially rendered her speechless as she appeared not to know how to answer. When Franken told […]
Sanders to DeVos: Would you be Trump’s education nominee if you weren’t a billionaire?
He couldn’t have really expected her to answer this in the negative, but Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) went right at Betsy DeVos, President-elect Donald Trump’s education secretary nominee, at her confirmation hearing on Tuesday with a question that was a direct jab at her qualifications for the job: Did the fact that she is a […]
Betsy DeVos apparently ‘confused’ about federal law protecting students with disabilities
Betsy DeVos displayed at best confusion and at worst a lack of knowledge about a key federal law involving students with disabilities during her Tuesday confirmation hearing before a Senate panel that will vote on whether she should become President-elect Donald Trump’s education secretary. Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) asked DeVos about the federal Individuals With […]
How Sen. Lamar Alexander slammed Betsy DeVos’s confirmation hearing through his committee
Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee on Tuesday slammed the confirmation hearing of Betsy DeVos, President-elect Donald Trump’s education nominee, through the Senate education committee, which he chairs — over the objections of Democrats who practically begged for more time to question her. Democratic members of the committee repeatedly asked for more time to ask […]
Joe Lieberman disses the entire education establishment at Betsy DeVos’s confirmation hearing
Former senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut on Tuesday introduced Betsy DeVos at her Senate confirmation hearing for education secretary in the upcoming Trump administration — and in the process he dissed the entire education establishment. DeVos is a Michigan billionaire tapped by Presiden
Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: