Monday, January 30, 2017

A list of HELP senators’ fax numbers | GFBrandenburg's Blog

A list of HELP senators’ fax numbers | GFBrandenburg's Blog:

A list of HELP senators’ fax numbers

This is so you can bug them with faxes, telling them not to vote in favor of Bigoted, Billionaire Betsy.
Al Franken                          MN        (202) 224-0044
Bill Cassidy                          LA            (225) 929-7688
Christopher S. Murphy  CT           (202) 224-9750
Elizabeth Warren             MA         no faxes
Johnny Isakson                 GA          202-228-0724
Lamar Alexander              TN          (202) 228-3398
Lisa Murkowski                 AK          202-224-5302
Maggie  Hassan                 NH          no faxes
Michael F. Bennet            CO          303-455-3358
Pat Roberts                         KS           202-224-3514
Rand Paul                            KY           (202) 228-6917
Richard Burr                       NC          (202) 228-2981
Robert P. Casey, Jr           PA          (202) 228-0604
Sheldon Whitehouse       RI            (401) 453-5085
Susan Collins                      ME         (202) 224-2693
Tim Scott                             SC           (855) 802-9355
Todd Young                        IN           no faxes
Patty Murray                     WA          (202) 224-0238

And here is my letter to them (I’ve visited, or lived in, 46 of the states so far):
Dear Senator:
I have visited your great state in the past, but since I was born and raised in the District of Columbia and still live there, I have no senator. So I’m calling on you.
I would like to put myself on the record as vigorously opposing the nomination of Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education. Not only does she have ZERO personal experience with public education in any form, she in fact is on record as favoring turning ALL education over to private businessmen and religious groups, including the weird form of messianic Christian fundamentalism her billionaire family favors. Her billions of dollars of personal wealth, mostly gained by a pyramid scheme that should have put her family in jail long ago, have been used to purchase politicians to promote her useless ideas, because she was never able to get voters to approve them.
During her confirmation hearings, she demonstrated that she has NO understanding of ANY of the most important issues concerning students and their parents today.
As a result of her machinations, local control has been removed from Black and Brown communities all over Michigan, and educational funds are flowing to all sorts of unethical, unregulated, for-profit charter school operators and religious fundamentalists running unregulated, storefront voucher schools. As a result, the scores of Michigan students on the National Assessment of Educational Progress have, over the past 20 years, tumbled from being significantly above the national averages to being significantly below the national averages, both in reading and in math. And Detroit now has the very worst scores of any city in the nation. Thanks to Betsy Devos. And let us not forget that her policies also brought us the national shame of polluted water in the entire city of Flint.
You must vote AGAINST DeVos for Secretary of Education.
Thank you.

Guy Brandenburg
DC Resident, DC Native, Parent of two DC public school gradsA list of HELP senators’ fax numbers | GFBrandenburg's Blog:



Tell Your Senator to Vote NO for Betsy DeVos - Network For Public Education -