Monday, December 5, 2016

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Contact the Governor NOW

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Contact the Governor NOW:

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Contact the Governor NOW

I'm going to offer the simplest advice I can on the levy cliff. There is NO reason it has to happen. 
I urge everyone to call 360-902-4111 or,
tweet @GovInslee 
and tell him to put pressure on the Legislature to have a one-day special session to extend the levy deadline from 2017 to 2018.

Remind him that until the Legislature completes McCleary work, districts should not suffer even more from a lack of fully funded schools.

Yes, contact your own legislator as well but I'm hoping that if the Governor feels the full force of citizens begging for this, he can make it clear that whatever the Legislature wants to get done when they do convene their regular session, nothing will get his signature.

 Image result for big education ape starving schools to death

Big Education Ape: Seattle Schools Community Forum: Understanding the Dire State of SPS' 2017-2018 Budget -

Big Education Ape: Seattle Schools Community Forum: Legislature Needs to Act Fast -