WEEKEND QUOTABLES -- Election post mortem
Leonard Cohen (1934-2016)
Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla)Ring the bells that still can ring / Forget your perfect offering / There is a crack, a crack in everything / That's how the light gets in -- Anthem
“I’ve been on the phone with giddy Republicans for about 48 hours now. Everybody assumed we’d come back and be the firewall [against a President Hillary Clinton], and now we see the opportunity to be the point of the spear.” --Washington PostBernie Sanders
In the coming days, I will also provide a series of reforms to reinvigorate the Democratic Party. I believe strongly that the party must break loose from its corporate establishment ties and, once again, become a grass-roots party of working people, the elderly and the poor. We must open the doors of the party to welcome in the idealism and energy of young people and all Americans who are fighting for economic, social, racial and environmental justice. -- New York Times MagazineAuthor Teju Cole
Evil settles into everyday life when people are unable or unwilling to recognize it. -- A time for refusalRahm Emanuel
"I want to assure all of our families that Chicago is Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: WEEKEND QUOTABLES -- Election post mortem: