Saturday, November 19, 2016

Cabinet candidate Betsy DeVos to meet Trump Saturday

Cabinet candidate Betsy DeVos to meet Trump Saturday:

Cabinet candidate Betsy DeVos to meet Trump Saturday

Donald Trump plans to meet Saturday with Betsy DeVos, the GOP mega donor from the Grand Rapids area and a school choice advocate who is reportedly a candidate to serve as the president-elect’s secretary of education.
Transition officials told reporters Friday that the DeVos meeting will take place in Bedminster, New Jersey.
Trump is also meeting Saturday with Mitt Romney, the Detroit native, Republican presidential nominee in 2012 and an outspoken Trump critic during this year’s campaign. Trump is reportedly considering Romney for secretary of state.
“These meetings that the president-elect is holding are showing that he is meeting some of the best, brightest and most qualified people, not only to fill specific roles within the administration, but also to give advice and counsel on the policies and structure of how to best put together a team and enact a successful agenda,” Trump spokesman Jason Miller said.
“It also goes to fact that President-elect Trump is not putting together meetings based on political affiliation or if they supported him in the past. He’s bringing together a broad and diverse team to help come up with a number of different policies and procedures and specific team members to help move our country forward.”
DeVos is among a handful of candidates under consideration for the Department of Education post, according to news reports citing sources close to the Trump transition team. Also on Saturday, Trump is meeting another education post candidate, former District of Columbia schools chancellor Michelle Rhee.
Miller and another transition official on the call would not comment specifically on the DeVos meeting.
“Some people are coming in for specific cabinet or administration positions, and some are coming in to talk about how we can best move America forward,” Miller said when asked about DeVos and Rhee.
“The folks who you’ve mentioned are being brought in because they have experience in their respective fields and have great ideas for a number of different things. ... We Cabinet candidate Betsy DeVos to meet Trump Saturday:
Image result for DeVos Family

Big Education Ape: DeVos Family Contributes Lavishly to Legislators Who Defeated Detroit Charter School Oversight | janresseger -

Big Education Ape: The Michigan Family Buying Indiana Education | Hoosier School Heist Blog -

K-12 News Network | From Guest Blogger Rachel Tabachnick, Talk to Action: Voucher Advocate Betsy DeVos, Right-Wing Think Tanks Behind Koch-Style Attack on PA Public Schools (Section 2) - K-12 News Network -

Schools Matter: Betsy Devos in the Running for the Billionaire Boys' Club Most Corrupt Member -

Big Education Ape: Betsy DeVos and AFC Implement Think Tank strategy to Use Vouchers to Dismantle Public Schools -

Big Education Ape: OUTRAGE: How the DeVos Family Paid the Michigan GOP to Block Charter Accountability | Diane Ravitch's blog -

Big Education Ape: Betsy DeVos and AFC Implement Think Tank strategy to Use Vouchers to Dismantle Public Schools -

Schooling in the Ownership Society: DeVos plan, bribing the pols -

Blackwater In-Law DeVos outlines "stealth" plot against Public Education - on @dailykos