Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Bill Gates backs climate denier Judge David Larson for Washington State Supreme Court position | Seattle Education

Bill Gates backs climate denier Judge David Larson for Washington State Supreme Court position | Seattle Education:

Bill Gates backs climate denier Judge David Larson for Washington State Supreme Court position

Municipal Judge David Larson
Gates is so blinded by his desire to have charter schools in our state that he doesn’t seem to be concerned with the qualifications of an individual who will potentially participate in setting policy affecting education in in his home state.
The Washington State Supreme Court made the decision that charter schools are unconstitutional in Washington State but Mr. Gates and others are determined to privatize the state’s public school system by any means.
Supreme Court Judge Charles Wiggins is one of the judges who decided in favor of the plaintiffs who challenged the constitutionality of charter schools in Washington State.
Bill Gates, Paul Allen along with Steve and Connie Ballmer, all major contributors to the charter school campaign, Initiative 1240, have contributed over $500,000 as of last week to the Political Action Committee (PAC) called Citizens for Working Courts Enterprise Washington to defeat Judge Wiggins.
Michael Davis, president of Enterprise Washington, the pro-business group behind the PAC, thinks that the court has “become too activist in their decisions”.
The Seattle Times endorsed Larson but what else would you expect? Bill Gates paid for the Seattle Times Education Lab section and they have become Gates’ mouthpiece.
So who is Municipal Judge David Larson?
According to the Seattle Times, Larson is very concerned with education so much so that Bill Gates backs climate denier Judge David Larson for Washington State Supreme Court position | Seattle Education: