Thursday, November 24, 2016

Betsy DeVos Nominated as Secretary of Education | janresseger

Betsy DeVos Nominated as Secretary of Education | janresseger:

Betsy DeVos Nominated as Secretary of Education

Image result for Betsy DeVos Nominated as Secretary of Education

This blog takes holidays off.  But because President-elect Donald Trump named Betsy DeVos this afternoon as his pick for Secretary of Education, I thought it might be useful to reprint this blog’s post from September 8th of this year—on the subject of none other than Betsy and Dick DeVos.
Good wishes for Thanksgiving, and look for a new post next Monday.
DeVos Family Contributes Lavishly to Legislators Who Defeated Detroit Charter School Oversight
I grew up in Montana, where in Montana history class we learned that at one time Anaconda Copper owned the state legislature. While the patrons have changed over the decades, the political process hasn’t been cleaned up. Amazingly the extraction industry has been replaced by the education sector these days in a number of states. On Tuesday this blog covered the investments being made in Ohio to block the regulation of the notorious online charter schools. Today the subject is Michigan and the massive payoffs this summer by Dick and Betsy DeVos, the Grand Rapids couple who made their fortune in Amway. Dick and Betsy DeVos have been investing heavily this summer to ensure that Detroit’s for-profit charter operators won’t be regulated.