Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Power of declaring #BlackLivesMatterAtSchool | I AM AN EDUCATOR

The Power of declaring #BlackLivesMatterAtSchool | I AM AN EDUCATOR:

The Power of declaring #BlackLivesMatterAtSchool

The hallways of Seattle schools were packed as always on Wednesday, October 19, but the difference was that thousands of teachers, students and staff were wearing similar t-shirts affirming Black lives. The Black Lives Matter at School day originated among teachers committed to social justice and was ultimately endorsed by the teachers’ union, the NAACP, the Seattle Council PTSA, and event supported by school district.
Jesse Hagopian, a teacher at Garfield High School in Seattle and editor of the book More Than a Score: The New Uprising Against High-Stakes Testing, answered questions from Brian Jones about how the day came about and what can come of it in the future.  This interview was first published at
Brian Jones: THE WEDNESDAY of Black Lives Matter at School was pretty special. How did your day start?
Jesse Hagopian: IT WAS an incredible day–like none I’ve ever experienced before. It started with getting dressed and putting on my own Black Lives Matter shirt, and my older son’s shirt, and then my 3-year-old’s shirt.
I began by taking my second grader to school. We get to school, and on the front door is a letter from the school’s PTA stating why it fully supports teachers wearing BLM shirts to school.
That put a smile on my face that only got bigger when I opened the door and saw all the faculty The Power of declaring #BlackLivesMatterAtSchool | I AM AN EDUCATOR: