Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Stop the Ed Tech Juggernaut: A Parents Across America Webinar | Seattle Education

Stop the Ed Tech Juggernaut: A Parents Across America Webinar | Seattle Education:

Stop the Ed Tech Juggernaut: A Parents Across America Webinar

parents across america
Members of Parents Across America (PAA) have spent extensive time looking into quantities of writing and research that raise red flags about the impact of the EdTech explosion on our children. This high-pressure movement has brought a mishmash of digital devices and online and other pre-packaged programs into our schools, where they are promoted as “personalized,” “competency-based,” “student-centered,” or “self-directed” learning, terms which we refer to together as EdTech.
What we have found out about the EdTech push alarms us and should alarm any parent.
First of all, there is actually very little research addressing the many news ways that EdTech is being used in our schools — our children are truly being used as guinea pigs.
What we do know about children and screen time is based in part on new studies and in part on previous research into children’s use of television, video games and computers, which can help us anticipate some of EdTech’s health effects. And EdTech’s teaching and learning track record is not positive. Yet corporate reformers and the new federal education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) are investing heavily in EdTech and putting enormous pressure on districts and schools to increase its use.
Join PAA activists and national experts to learn more about the negative effects of EdTech and what parents can do to slow down the digital learning juggernaut in your children’s schools:
Stop the Ed Tech Juggernaut 
Sunday,  October 16, 2016
7:00 PM EDT
How to join the meeting:
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/529296692
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,529296692# or +16465588656,529296692#
Or Telephone:
Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
Meeting ID: 529 296 692
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=fy2WVdkruZncsYj3KuoWyXUZ8OTi9LqS
All are invited!
For more on Ed Tech, see:
EdTech Summary Brief – summary points that reflect what we have discovered about the proven and potential problematic effects of EdTech.
EdTech Overview – The latest push from corporate “school reform” undermines parental control, student privacy, and the quality of teaching and learning
EdTech: mental and emotional effects – How EdTech may be harming our children’s mental and emotional health
Buzz words images (EdTech: Let’s call it what it really is)
EdTech: Who Benefits? – Not our children!
Ed Tech: Questions to ask — What to ask at your child’s school:http://parentsacrossamerica.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/questionstoask.pdf

 Stop the Ed Tech Juggernaut: A Parents Across America Webinar | Seattle Education: