Sunday, October 30, 2016

Issues Matter – With a week to go, a last request for financial support - Wait What?

Issues Matter – With a week to go, a last request for financial support - Wait What?:

Issues Matter – With a week to go, a last request for financial support

As the Norwich Bulletin wrote yesterday,
Pelto – advocates for a more progressive tax code that borrows heavily from Sen. Bernie Sanders’ plan, which would raise taxes on the rich and close many corporate loopholes. A longtime education advocate, Pelto also opposes what he views as oppressive federal oversight in public education. – Norwich Bulletin October 29, 2016
As the Green Party candidate for Congress in the 2nd Congressional District, I set out to ensure that this campaign engaged voters on a variety of vital issues including the need to adopt a fair system of taxation and putting an end to the dangerous and devastating impact of privatizing public education in this country.
At a variety of candidate debates and political events, I’ve worked to speak out about the very real problems and challenges that face our communities, our state and the nation.  I’m proud to report that these efforts have had a positive impact, especially when it comes to our historic effort to protect our students, parents, teachers and public schools from those who seek to turn public education into nothing more than profit centers for the charter school industry and their allies in the corporate education reform industry.
All of the candidates running in the 2nd Congressional District, including the incumbent, Congressman Joe Courtney, have pledged to blunt those who favor testing over teaching and are pushing the regressive elements of the corporate education reform agenda.
In addition to the debates, Pelto 2016 campaign mailings and other voter outreach activities are providing additional opportunity to educate, persuade and mobilize people to step up and speak out on the serious problems that are undermining the wellbeing of our society.
With Election Day only a week away, we continue to implement a voter contact program designed to promote a major turnout on Election Day.
Your financial support would be extremely helpful as we strive to pay the remaining bills.  Please consider making a donation to Pelto 2016.  It is quick and easy and the funds you provide will have a big impact on our ability to successfully implement our campaign strategy.
You can donate to Pelto 2016 on line by clicking on Pelto for Congress 2016 or
Alternatively, print off and send the following form with your check to Pelto 2016, PO Box 400, Storrs, CT. 06268
Thank you so much,


Pelto For Congress | Connecticut 2nd District – Green Party -