Filter on John Oliver: Segregation failures haunt OKCPS
Everyone should watch John Oliver’s latest critique of school segregation. The video is above. He makes some fantastic observations, starting with his coverage of the way New York City put resegregation on steroids.
I would only add that much of the new segregation was intentional, funded by the Gates Foundation’s small-schools initiative. Like school reform in the rest of the nation, the sincere goal was to use increased segregation due to school choice to fight the educational legacy of segregation.
Sadly, many liberal families (who often oppose test-driven reform) have resisted recent efforts to reintegrate schools.
Much like the narcissistic parent Oliver includes in his piece — who launched a legal attack on a prominent and successful desegregation program in the South — even decent parents tend to be completely preoccupied with their Filter on John Oliver: Segregation failures haunt OKCPS - NonDoc: