Sunday, October 30, 2016

Evidence that edTPA needs to be Killed! | BustED Pencils

Evidence that edTPA needs to be Killed! | BustED Pencils:

Evidence that edTPA needs to be Killed!


The edTPA is supposed to be a performance based assessment that can help predict the effectiveness of future teachers.  For one of the best analysis of edTPA and how it correlates to effectiveness please read Peter Greene’s post from May 2016.
So why kill it?  Because even though Peter thoroughly dismantled the edTPA; it continues to be used as a high-stakes gateway test into the profession of teaching.  And, according to Peter, the edTPA
insults college ed departments by assuming a premise that your college ed program, your professors, your co-operating teacher, and basically none of the people who work with you and give you a grade– none of those people can be trusted to determine whether or not you should be a teacher.
Despite this, many of my teacher education colleagues still cling to the edTPA as if it had some magic ability to legitimize teacher education.  Some even believe the edTPA can shield teacher education from reformers who would like to see “alternative pathways into teaching”—like being able to breath.
Reality check!
Reformers who want “alternative pathways” don’t give a shit about edTPA.  They want what they want and will not be deterred by a self flagellation performance by teacher educatorsEvidence that edTPA needs to be Killed! | BustED Pencils: