CTA Public Education Forum - Sacramento
The Sacramento City Unified School District has a once in a lifetime opportunity to create the public education system our students deserve. Because it is in the best financial position in its history, with the right vision Sac City can become THE Destination District in California.
We can take one huge step forward to creating that vision in our upcoming contract negotiations with the District which will begin next month. To help us inform our proposals and to provide a voice for educators, parents, students and the broader community, we are holding a public education forum. A flyer for the event can be found by clicking here.
Join Mayor-Elect Darrell Steinberg, Educators, Parents and Community Leaders! Tuesday, September 20th
Fruitridge Elementary
4625 44th Street
Sacramento 95820
6:30 to 8 p.m.
And the District's ability to continue to make progress relies on adequate funding. That's why we support:
Yes on Prop 55
Proposition 55 is on the November ballot. This statewide ballot initiative extends the tax on millionaires that was part of 2012's Proposition 30 that helped to restore funding to schools. This increased revenue is a major reason why Sac City is in the best financial position it has been in its history. A fact sheet on Prop 55 can be found here.
We look forward to seeing you on September 20th. In the meantime, you can stay informed by visiting our website at www.sacteachers.org.
Nikki Milevsky David Fisher
President, SCTA First Vice-President, SCTA
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SACRAMENTO PROGRESSIVE ALLIANCE: CTA Public Education Forum - Sacramento: