Saturday, September 10, 2016

Lily and Randi get their seat at the table. They are surrounded by corporate reformers. | Fred Klonsky

Lily and Randi get their seat at the table. They are surrounded by corporate reformers. | Fred Klonsky:

Lily and Randi get their seat at the table. They are surrounded by corporate reformers.

Image result for hot seat

20160705 NEA VOTE RR 01

If any two people know how to win a vote it’s Randi and Lily.
When the NEA and the AFT gave Hillary an early endorsement over Bernie Sanders, many scratched their heads trying to figure out what the two teacher unions gained by this.
By hitching the unions’ wagons to the HRC campaign so early, it seemed to many observers that we lost whatever bargaining chip we had.
The AFT’s Randi Weingarten and the NEA’s Lily Eskelsen Garcia promised members that an early endorsement would ensure that teachers got a seat at the table.
And so it has.
Mother Jones published a list of those who are serving on Hillary’s K-12 policy working group.