Sunday, September 18, 2016

“Learning is Earning” the Rand Corporation way with digital badges and Edublocks | Seattle Education

“Learning is Earning” the Rand Corporation way with digital badges and Edublocks | Seattle Education:

“Learning is Earning” the Rand Corporation way with digital badges and Edublocks

All of the elements are in place:
  • There’s piece work employment without financial security or due process.
  • The opportunity for corporations to pay employees in script instead of actual cash. 
  • Smart Contracts and the possibility of a lifetime of servitude without compensation.
  • Cradle to grave corporate surveillance of every citizen.
If George Orwell wrote a sequel to 1984, the idea of The Institute for the Future’s Edublocks and The Ledger would have a starring role.
The Institute for the Future (IFTF) prides itself on bringing people together to make the future—today.”
IFTF is an outgrowth of The Rand Corporation and counts as partners corporate giants in technology, healthcare, manufacturing, and advocacy.
Groups such as AARP, the American Medical Association, AT&T, GM, Microsoft, Kaiser Permanente and Shell – just to name a few of the heavy hitters who have hitched their wagons to IFTF. 
In case you’re not familiar with The Rand Corporation, it’s one of the U.S. military’s oldest think tanks, getting it’s start in 1948 as an offshoot of the Douglas Aircraft Company.
One area of interest for The Institute of the Future is education. IFTF’s blog reports on the various attempts to hack the future of education. Anya Kamenetz is considered a “Learning is Earning” the Rand Corporation way with digital badges and Edublocks | Seattle Education: