Thursday, September 15, 2016

Dismantling Public Education: 1926 insight into 2016 corporate education reform programs and tests | Reclaim Reform

Dismantling Public Education: 1926 insight into 2016 corporate education reform programs and tests | Reclaim Reform:

Dismantling Public Education: 1926 insight into 2016 corporate education reform programs and tests

scripted text

Teacher, historian and philosopher Will Durant cut through the ideological propaganda of his era and ours. We must do the same, or we and our children will suffer and die in well indoctrinated semi-ignorance and poverty. Civil disobedience and the dissemination of truth are necessary.
“Perspective was lost. ‘Facts’ replaced understanding; and knowledge , split into a thousand isolated fragments, no longer generated wisdom.”
Just prior to the Great Depression of 1929, this corporate designed caste system was exposed for what it actually was. The brilliant Will Durant pointed out the main social/corporate schism of that time and predicted what is occurring today.
“The gap between life and knowledge grew wider and wider; those who governed could not understand those who thought; and those who wanted to know could not understand those who knew. In the midst of unprecedented learning, popular ignorance flourished and chose its exemplars to rule the great cities of the world; in the midst of sciences endowed and enthroned as never before, new religions [ideologies] were born every day, and old superstitions recaptured the ground they Dismantling Public Education: 1926 insight into 2016 corporate education reform programs and tests | Reclaim Reform: