Monday, September 26, 2016

BRIDGEGATE– Seven steps to closing an interstate crossing, but without bloodshed |

BRIDGEGATE– Seven steps to closing an interstate crossing, but without bloodshed |:

BRIDGEGATE– Seven steps to closing an interstate crossing, but without bloodshed

What a guy, that David Wildstein. A helluva guy. Why, he had the power to shut down entrance lanes to the George Washington Bridge in a way that would not only create a massive traffic jam for but also would have increased the dangers of motor vehicle sideswipes and collisions at the entrance of the nation’s busiest interstate crossing.
But, did he do it? No—not our guy Dave. He’s got heart.
He was careful just to shut down just enough lanes to the bridge in just the right way to stop traffic in Fort Lee, impede emergency vehicles, make thousands late for work and strand school children on buses.
Just like his boss, Gov. Chris Christie—David Wilstein was always thinking of us little guys down here below.
“I could not go from three lanes to zero,” Wildstein told a federal jury in Newark. “There would be accidents.”
Wildstein, testifying against two other allies of the governor, showed just what state government is in the era of Christopher Christie, the self-proclaimed Jersey guy. He showed how far you could go to punish political enemies with a lot of imagination, a willingness to break the rules, and the absence of any scruples whatsoever. Wildstein, a boyhood chum of Christie, is a self-admitted dirty trickster whoBRIDGEGATE– Seven steps to closing an interstate crossing, but without bloodshed |: