By Doug Martin, Author of Hoosier School Heist
Two of the biggest threats to public education in America are Eli Broad and Walmart’s Alice Walton, and they are both giving big to Hillary’s Victory Fund for her presidential race.
Over the years for various offices and in various election cycles, Eli Broad has given Hillary $17,400, according to FEC records. But this year, Broad, a huge charter school promoter and longtime Clinton familyfriend, is upping the ante.
In January 2016, Broad handed Hillary’s Victory Fund $33,400.
Hillary’s Victory Fund is a joint fund which also financially benefits countrywide Democrats, but Bernie Sanders’ campaign has accused the Hillary campaign of pocketing a good majority of the cash from the Hillary Victory Fund.
Politico, in fact, found that “less than 1 percent of the $61 million raised” for the Hillary Victory Fund went to state parties.
Hillary’s Victory Fund includes billionaire donors like school privatization queen Alice Walton of Walmart, the mega union-busting corporation where Hillary once was a board member. Alice Walton has not only Schools Matter: HILLARY, ELI, AND ALICE: THE MONEY-TREE:
Hoosier School Heist TV is Doug Martin's channel featuring videos of his book tour across Indiana speaking on the corporate takeover of public education. Order Hoosier School Heist at http://hoosierschoolheist.com/.
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