Wednesday, June 22, 2016

UNO’s Rangel gets a slap on the wrist for charter scam. | Fred Klonsky

UNO’s Rangel gets a slap on the wrist for charter scam. | Fred Klonsky:

UNO’s Rangel gets a slap on the wrist for charter scam.

What happens to federal investigations of Chicago corruption?
Whatever happens when you read, “The feds are investigating?”
Yesterday Rahm Emanuel’s campaign chairman and former United Neighborhood Organization boss, Juan Rangel, got a slap on the wrist from the Securities and Exchange Commission for engaging in securities fraud.
UNO was one of the largest charter school operators in the state of Illinois. Money isn’t made by charters by charging admission. Gobs of money are made through contracts, kick-backs and bond sales to investors.
In the settlement with the SEC, Rangel got away with paying ten grand in exchange for admitting to doing nothing wrong.
Rangel gets to pay the ten grand in quarterly payments of $2500 dollars everyUNO’s Rangel gets a slap on the wrist for charter scam. | Fred Klonsky: 
Former UNO boss Juan Rangel broke securities law, SEC says | Chicago Sun-Times -

Ex-Chicago charter school boss settles securities fraud case -