Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Malloy proposes plan to punish your neighbors if you opt your child out of the Common Core SBAC testing fiasco - Wait What?

Malloy proposes plan to punish your neighbors if you opt your child out of the Common Core SBAC testing fiasco - Wait What?:

Malloy proposes plan to punish your neighbors if you opt your child out of the Common Core SBAC testing fiasco

 It should be impossible to believe that any Connecticut public official would propose a plan to punish your neighbors if you opt your child out of the unfair, inappropriate and discriminatory Common Core SBAC testing scheme, but when it comes to “My Way or No Way” Governor Dannel Malloy, the level of arrogance and vindictiveness is unmatched.

Tomorrow – February 24, 2016 – the Connecticut General Assembly’s Education Committee will be holding a public hearing on legislation that Governor Malloy and Lt. Governor Wyman submitted as part of their destructive proposed state budget, a spending plan that that coddles the rich while making massive cuts to vital health, human service and education programs.
When it comes to their new proposed education agenda, it is bad enough that Malloy and Wyman plan to give more money to the privately owned but publicly funded charter school industry while making the deepest cuts in state history to Connecticut’s public schools, but in a little understood piece of proposed legislation, the Malloy administration is trying to sneak through legislation that would give his Commissioner of Education and the political appointees on his State Board of Education a new mechanism they would use to punish taxpayers in certain communities where more than 5 percent of parents opt their children out of the wasteful and destructive Common Core SBAC testing program.
Until now, the Malloy administration’s primary mechanism to try and force parents to have their children participate in the SBAC/NEW SAT testing was to mislead and lie to parents about their rights, while at the same time, threatening that the state would withhold Title 1 federal funding that is supposed to be used to help poor children if a school district’s opt out rate was greater than 5 percent.
But now Malloy and his team are going a step further.  Their newest proposal is hidden Malloy proposes plan to punish your neighbors if you opt your child out of the Common Core SBAC testing fiasco - Wait What?: