Monday, February 1, 2016

Malloy Budget Plan – Coddle the rich while cutting vital state services - Wait What?

Malloy Budget Plan – Coddle the rich while cutting vital state services - Wait What?:
Malloy Budget Plan – Coddle the rich while cutting vital state services

 On Wednesday, February 3, 2016, Democratic Governor Dannel Malloy, flanked by Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman and the rest of his administration will submit his latest budget plan to a joint session of the Connecticut General Assembly.

Malloy’s approach, one that borrows directly from the disgraced trickle-down economic strategies of the Neo-Conservative/Neo Liberal philosophy, will be to balance Connecticut’s state budget by continuing to coddle Connecticut’s wealthiest citizens while cutting critically important health, human service and education programs for those who are struggling those most in today’s troubled economy.
The sad reality is that Connecticut’s most vulnerable citizens will be those who suffer most from Malloy’s proposals.
Governor “There Is No Budget Deficit – I Will Not Raise Taxes” Malloy will also propose sifting more of the burden for paying for government services onto Connecticut’s local property taxpayers, despite the fact that Connecticut’s property tax system is regressive and unfairly burdens middle-income and working families in Connecticut.
Finally, yet again, as if to reiterate that Malloy has to have it have it his way or no way, Governor Malloy will be proposing a dangerous and unprecedented power grab that would transfer significant budget control and oversight away from the Legislative Branch of government to the Executive Branch, giving him and his budget chief unparalleled authority over how appropriated state funds are actually spent.
Malloy Policy #1 – Coddle the Rich