Friday, February 5, 2016

La. Class of 2015 ACT Scores: State-run RSD New Orleans Drops to 15.6 Average Composite | deutsch29

La. Class of 2015 ACT Scores: State-run RSD New Orleans Drops to 15.6 Average Composite | deutsch29:

La. Class of 2015 ACT Scores: State-run RSD New Orleans Drops to 15.6 Average Composite

As of February 05, 2016, the best place to locate any smatch of consolidated data on Louisiana’s Class of 2015 ACT scores is this July 16, 2015, article by Jessica Williams, entitled, “ACT Scores Rise for 2nd Straight Year in Louisiana.”
Williams’ title comes from the supposed rise of Louisiana’s Class of 2015 average ACT composite to 19.4 from 19.2 in 2014. Other numbers in Williams’ article are the supposed Recovery School District (RSD) Class of 2015 average ACT composite of 16.6, and the combined RSD-Orleans Parish School Board (OPSB) Class of 2015 average ACT composite of 18.8.
Remember these numbers.
In her article, Williams links to her data source, this once-embargoed file from the Louisiana Department of Education (LDOE), entitled, “2014-15 Louisiana ACT 12th Grade Results.” The file includes ACT average composite scores by district. What is noteworthy is that the file was publicized in July 2015, after the 2014-15 school year had ended.
What is also worth noting is that as of February 05, 2016, this file is not available on the LDOE website.
There is no reason for LDOE to not have produced a comprehensive file of Class of La. Class of 2015 ACT Scores: State-run RSD New Orleans Drops to 15.6 Average Composite | deutsch29: