Friday, February 12, 2016

Does PARCC Still Consider Mitchell Chester the “Real” Chair? | deutsch29

Does PARCC Still Consider Mitchell Chester the “Real” Chair? | deutsch29:

Does PARCC Still Consider Mitchell Chester the “Real” Chair?

The Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) is playing around with information on its website in a manner that makes it appear that PARCC still considers Massachusetts Commissioner of Education, Mitchell Chester, its chair.
First of all, a recent revision on the Massachusetts PARCC page propagates the lie that Massachusetts fully administered the PARCC test in 2015 and will fully administer the PARCC test in 2016:
Here’s what PARCC has to say about Massachusetts:
Massachusetts administered the PARCC assessment in 2014-15 and will administer it in 2015-16. Massachusetts is a governing state.
In truth, not all Massachusetts districts administered PARCC in 2015, and as is true for Louisiana, Massachusetts will have a hybrid in 2016– part MCAS and part PARCC.
Still, in February 2016, PARCC is trying to make Massachusetts appear to be all in for PARCC, both in 2015 and 2016.
Even though Chester introduced a “compromise” between PARCC and MCAS, it sure looks bad for Chester– PARCC chair– to be pushing PARCC at all.
And it is possible that Chester’s “PARCC foot in the door”Massachusetts assessment compromise could be used as a means of virtually shutting out MCAS and indeed making Massachusetts “completely PARCC.”
If he wants to promote a quiet transition from MCAS to PARCC, surely it would be to Does PARCC Still Consider Mitchell Chester the “Real” Chair? | deutsch29:

PARCC Website Changes Its Story on 2015 Louisiana Test and Misleads on 2016 Massachusetts Test | deutsch29