Friday, February 26, 2016

Common Core Lie of the Day: Standards Are Needed for STEM Training Because America Doesn’t Have Enough STEM Workers – Missouri Education Watchdog

Common Core Lie of the Day: Standards Are Needed for STEM Training Because America Doesn’t Have Enough STEM Workers – Missouri Education Watchdog:

Common Core Lie of the Day: Standards Are Needed for STEM Training Because America Doesn’t Have Enough STEM Workers

disney characters
Those Disney characters might just sell you out to the lowest bidder. Fired STEM workers at Disney see those characters in their nightmares.

earch Common Core and STEM and IT and you will obtain results extolling the need for Common Core:
stem lies 2

Contrary to the descriptions of why students need Common Core, the fact is that 2/3 of American workers with STEM degrees do not work in STEM fields.  From 2014:
It was announced last week that Microsoft, the tech giant, plans to eliminate 18,000 jobs. That has rankled many in the anti-common core movement because Bill Gates, Microsoft founder, has been out there promoting Common Core ostensibly because we need more STEM workers for companies like his. The claim he and other have made is that there is a shortage of such workers in the United States. What has upset the anti common core crowd is that Microsoft, along with other mega tech companies like Hewlett Packard and CISCO are simultaneously pressuring Congress to expand the H-1B Visa program to allow more highly skilled foreign workers in. While demanding more highly educated workers from the American education system, these large companies are demanding to import more labor from outside our shores. Something just doesn’t match up.
Computer World covered Senator Jeff Sessions response to the Microsoft firings (they are not lay offs). On 
Common Core Lie of the Day: Standards Are Needed for STEM Training Because America Doesn’t Have Enough STEM Workers – Missouri Education Watchdog: