Thursday, January 7, 2016

Weingarten blames Cuomo for CUNY union’s lack of contract | POLITICO

Weingarten blames Cuomo for CUNY union’s lack of contract | POLITICO:

Weingarten blames Cuomo for CUNY union’s lack of contract

Why don’t CUNY’s unionized employees have a contract?
Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, said Thursday that it’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s fault.
“In the past, the state has provided support for a fair wage for these workers. But Gov. Andrew Cuomo has refused to provide funding—even though the state has more than $1 billion in surplus,” she wrote in an email to AFT supporters, asking that they sign a petition calling on him to increase CUNY's funding in his January executive budget. “College budgets have been slashed, and courses cut, to make up for the funding gap caused by Gov. Cuomo’s austerity policies.”
The Professional Staff Congress, an AFT affiliate that represents faculty and professional staff at CUNY, has worked six years without a contract and five without a contractual raise. Non-professional employees represented by District Council 37 are also without a contract.Weingarten blames Cuomo for CUNY union’s lack of contract | POLITICO: