Saturday, January 23, 2016

Three questions to ask about the business to-do list for Sacramento mayoral candidates - Sacramento Business Journal

Three questions to ask about the business to-do list for Sacramento mayoral candidates - Sacramento Business Journal:

Three big questions about the mayoral to-do list

Several leaders of Sacramento’s business community released a pro-growth manifesto this week to the candidates running for Sacramento mayor. The document, spelling out goals for making the city more prosperous and business-friendly, raises some interesting questions.

Is this an attempt to turn Darrell Steinberg into Kevin Johnson?

The document started with developer Mark Friedman and attorney Stan Van Vleck, who originally set out to give Darrell Steinberg a sense of what a pro-business city agenda could look like. But the fundamentals of the platform — pro-development, fiscal conservatism, easing regulations, elevating the brand — could have been penned by Mayor Kevin Johnson.

Many business owners consider Johnson their champion, both for his pro-business politics and his talent for using celebrity power to lure new investment. The two leading candidates for the job — City Councilwoman Angelique Ashby and former Senate leader Darrell Steinberg — are each making the case that they would carry that torch for the business community.

Steinberg's case is particularly interesting, however. While he has a weak legislative record for supporting pro-business causes, he enjoys close relationships with political power brokers in California and Washington D.C.

“When Kevin Johnson became mayor, people weren’t sure what his politics were, but with his national stature he could achieve things that no previous mayor could,” said David Townsend, founder and president of Townsend Raimundo Besler & Usher.

“The community has learned that a mayor of statewide stature is exceedingly important,” he said.

In an interview, Steinberg acknowledged that some expect him to continue Johnson’s economic policies. Steinberg said he approves of Johnson’s basic outlook on economic growth, but that he will soon be giving voters a sense of how he is different.

“I have my own record of effective service and my own style and my own way. I will obviously be my own person,” he said.

Why was the priorities paper released now?

The most obvious answer is that the Sacramento Metro Chamber’s political action committee could soon make its endorsement. But chamber CEO Peter Tateishi says the statement of business priorities is not tied to that decision.

A big-picture answer is that Sacramento executives have recently taken a more Three questions to ask about the business to-do list for Sacramento mayoral candidates - Sacramento Business Journal: