Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Washington Teacher: DC Public Schools Imposes Longer School Year in Some Schools Without Stakeholders Input

The Washington Teacher: DC Public Schools Imposes Longer School Year in Some Schools Without Stakeholders Input:

DC Public Schools Imposes Longer School Year in Some Schools Without Stakeholders Input

By: Candi Peterson, WTU General Vice President

Statements or expressions of opinions herein 'do not' represent the views or official positions of DCPS, AFT, Washington Teachers' Union (WTU) or its members. Views are my own. 

It seems like DCPS is forging ahead with the extension of the school year for the 2016-17 school year for some of the District’s lowest performing schools. According to inside sources, some Ward 7 and 8 junior high schools will be on the list with  a longer school year including Hart Middle School and Johnson Middle School in SE as well as Kelly Miller Middle School located in NE. There may be as many as a dozen schools may be affected, however, exact numbers have been yet to be confirmed.

 It disappoints me that as an education stakeholder, I am learning of the news in this way. I searched the DCPS website to see if there was any updates on the proposed extended school year news. Neary’ a word. Needless to say, I am not shocked or surprised.

Currently, Raymond Education campus became part of a DCPS pilot where the school year was extended beginning with the 2015-16 school year. Teachers who worked at Raymond were given the option to get a placement at other schools if they did not want to work the longer school year at Raymond. The  WTU filed a The Washington Teacher: DC Public Schools Imposes Longer School Year in Some Schools Without Stakeholders Input: