Monday, January 18, 2016

PAA leaders walking the walk in 2016 | Parents Across America

PAA leaders walking the walk in 2016 | Parents Across America:

PAA leaders walking the walk in 2016 

 Several PAA leaders have been stepping up to the plate of public service lately, and we are SO proud!

PAA founding member Helen Gym has already taken office as councilwoman-at-large in Philadelphia.
Helen ran on a platform of support for well-funded, democratically-run public schools.
Can’t wait to see what she does!
Helen with new Phillly Mayor Jim Kenney
Helen with new Phillly Mayor Jim Kenney
  • Former PAA Board of Directors member
    Dawn Collins is running for school board in East Baton Rouge, Louisiana, with this platform:
    • I support the expansion of sensible, research-based reforms that empower students, families and teachers.
    • We must incentivize the placement of highly qualified, experienced educators – especially in our most challenging classrooms.
    • All of our public schools should be diverse with well-rounded curriculum that challenge and engage our children while providing meaningful options to families – one-size-fits-all education does not work for our
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