Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm to Atty Gen. Lynch: 'But you said fed probe wouldn't go any higher than CPD.'

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm to Atty Gen. Lynch: 'But you said fed probe wouldn't go any higher than CPD.':

Rahm to Atty Gen. Lynch: 'But you said fed probe wouldn't go any higher than CPD.'

"The Law Department holds its employees to the absolute highest professional and ethical standards and does not tolerate any action that would call into question the integrity of the lawyers who serve and represent the City of Chicago." -- City Hall Liar in Chief, Bill McCaffrey
Rahm probably should have stayed in Cuba. I'm sure his ratings are higher than 18% in Havana.

Instead he came home to Chicago only to find the hot mess he created has gotten hotter and messier. He also found that the cover-up of yet another police killing on his watch may lead to the federal probe moving up the ladder to City Hall and closer to him.

Judge order retrial in shooting case of Darius Pinex.
Yesterday U.S. District JudgeEdmond Chang ruled that a lawyer for the city intentionally misled the court when he concealed a key recording of a police radio dispatch to Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm to Atty Gen. Lynch: 'But you said fed probe wouldn't go any higher than CPD.':