Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Government Run Like a Business Poisons Children

Government Run Like a Business Poisons Children:

Government Run Like a Business Poisons Children

The people of Michigan hired themselves a GOP businessman to be governor in 2011. And what they got was children poisoned by public water in Flint.
That is, what they got was a government run based on GOP business values.
To line the pockets of CEOs and shareholders, corporations cut corners in ways that frequently end up injuring workers and the public. Think of the Upper Big Branch mine disaster where safety violations killed 29 workers, or the Takata airbag fatalities that occurred despite workers voicing safety concerns, or the nine deaths and 714 illnesses caused by salmonella-contaminated peanut butter knowingly sold by Peanut Corporation of America.
So, really, the lead poisoning of Flint children by a government based on Republican business values is no surprise.
Last week, in his state of the state address, GOP Gov. Rick Snyder, formerly a venture capitalist, apologized to the people of Flint who have been drinking water tainted with a known, potent neurotoxin since April of 2014. And then Snyder said, “I will fix it.”
Lead poisoning is irreversible. It can’t be fixed. In addition, now, two outbreaks of Legionnaire’s disease that sickened 87 and killed 10 have been linked to the Government Run Like a Business Poisons Children: